Croke Park

There are 9,999 people outside Croke Park. With a possible 5 turns of a spinner, make the biggest number you can of people to fit in the stadium, placing the numbers in the boxes. What’s the biggest number of people you can fit in?

Here are the rules of the game:

·      ·        One person spins the spinner, everybody will get a turn according to the list
·        When the spinner stops on a number, place it in a box.
·        You cannot move this number once it is in a box.
·        You can reject (leave out) one number only, which is also stuck in that box.
·        After 5 spins, look at and compare your numbers to see who got the biggest amount of people.
·        How could you make your number bigger?
·        What instructions would you give to a friend who was playing the game for the first time?
Good Luck